As most of you have noticed by now, I'm not the most direct thinker on Earth. I tend to be easily distracted; oft waylaid on my way to a point by an epiphanic jolt - a revelation of an obscure yet, at least in my mind, relevant connection, which soon leaves me navigating the tangents and tributaries of topics far removed from my original subject, turning myself into a veritable babbling brook. One might, if he were kind and perhaps fond of listening to babbling brooks on his/her sleep-sounds machine, say my brain prefers to take the scenic routes - so might Two for that matter, but no one seems to care what he and his fellow integers might do or think in this mono-numerical world in which we live and hypothesize.
While I might normally, at this point find, myself compelled to champion the cause of the "Greater Than 1's", opining on the motivations that belie our forgiving some prejudices but not others, today I'm going to stay on topic (if it's not already too late) and talk about things I don't understand.
Things it just occurred to me I don't understand:
- The Word 'Druthers' - I don't know if I've written about this before, but I find it odd that I use a word whose meaning is a complete mystery to me without ever wondering what I was saying. You don't know what it means either do you? No, don't google it. I've already done that for you and well, I'm even more confused. 'Druthers', you see, is a bastardization and contraction of the phrase "I would rather". Now most such shortenings catch on because well, they're shorter and thus easier to say, in the instant matter (lawyer in the hizzouse!) such is not the case.
Compare if you will:
"I'd rather they put all greater than 1's in jail, but then I'd have to close my 99 cent store."
"If I had my druthers we'd put all those crooked numbers in jail, but you know how they multiply when you start putting them together."
- Why would a terrorist have a "social networking" page? It seems kind of like a long term thing for someone in the field, you know? I could see maybe having an adult friend finder account (though odds are he's looking for a virgin... well virgins), but I don't reconnecting with lost friends is a rationale goal. I'm not one to stereotype, but I don't think a 10 year Madrassa reunion is in the cards for our friend.
Tangent: What are the odds someone will make a joke about social networking thing on a late night talk show without using the expression "I enjoy long walks on the beach"
When did long walks on the beach become a stand in for personal ad? How many people out there have the opportunity to even take long walks on the beach and, of those, how many bother doing it? Even then it's not simple, sure you might enjoy it under the right circumstances, but it's not like it something you'd always want to do. First, and don't underestimate this, you have to enjoy walking, then you have to take into account environmental conditions:
sand temperature
the dangers of walking barefoot in the sand at night
the odds of getting mugged
whether you're OK with being seen shoeless on a date (not every piggy is fit to go to the market you know).
- Why do I feel bad for not having three things on this list?
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