May 10, 2010


It's been twenty minutes and I still haven't come up with a good intro/segue for this bit so I say we just skip over the lead-in, thank God for Christina Hendricks, and jump right into the deep end.

Science has long been the last bastion of principle in a world eager to compromise.  Look no further than Pluto.  While some may have felt bad enough for the dwarf planet to over look its shortcomings (I know), scientists held firm and told Pluto it wasn't tall enough to ride this particular orbit and kicked it right out of our solar system.  It is this uncompromising attitude which makes the blatant capitualtion that is ROYGBIV (ROY-G-BIV) all the more of an abomination.  As all of you well know, our light spectrum has long been codified by the above acronym, Red, Orange Yellow, Blue, Indigo, Violet, yet I ask you, why is indigo on the list? 


Red. Orange. Yellow. Blue. Violet.  These are all color we can relate to, colors necessary for your Crayola bare minimums collection. Indigo? Indigo is the angry retort your girlfriend gives you get when you ask her why she bought another blue dress.  Indigo is the answer to a trivia question. Indigo is not an essential anything.  The only reason indigo is in the spectrum is that it starts with a vowel. Admit it folks, the greatest service indigo has offered is helping science teachers across America avoid trying to say ROY-G-BV (Roy-gee-bvuh).  We didn't let sympathy get in the way with Pluto and we shouldn't here either.  It's time we put indigo to sleep.

On an unrelated note, I was watching a program on my DVR last night when I saw a commercial for that evening's newscast.  The teaser featured a video of firefighters trying to put out a car blaze and an unfortunate blowback that nearly melted one firefighter's face.  The voice over which accompanied the video, however, plumbed new depths of 'duh' previously undiscovered by journalists.

"Watch tonight at 11 and see how firefighting can be a dangerous job."

FIRE fighting.  She didn't realize that we already knew that FIGHTING fire is dangerous? Hell, fighting a chimp cost a woman her face and she didn't even start it!  To this woman it's breaking news that picking a fight with fire might be hazardous to one's health.

I weep.

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