Nov 11, 2009


Veteran's day means I'm not working and you are.  I know this has been a running theme for a while now recurring meme if you will; me not having to work and you slaving away at your job while your life passes you by at speeds faster than a drunk driving Halle Berry. Normally, this would mean I'd leave subject alone, after all this is like the fourth random day off I've had in the last month and if I keep beating this joke every time I don't have to work and you do, pretty soon it'll be giving an interview to Katie Couric on 60 minutes. Still, I have to say today is different.  It's Veteran's day.  Our soldiers fought and died so that we, as a nation, could take off a random Wednesday in middle of November and I am the only one respecting their sacrifices by spending the afternoon in pajamas watching West Wing reruns whilst repeatedly scratching certain nether regions. You?  You're working!

This isn't really relevant (though really how much ever is?), and I don't have a particularly good segue for it, but I won $110 playing poker yesterday.  I don't think it was luck or skill so much as it is that in my advancing old age I've become what I like to call frugal, and what wait staff likes to call a turd blossom.  Money is a powerful thing, much like dodgeball, if you don't treat it with respect, it will cause you pain.  This is a lesson me and my black eye learned well on the dodgeball battle field  and so when I found myself mano a mano, head to head, stack to stack with someone who didn't understand it's mythical powers, money taught him a lesson.  Also I had a pair of Kings, but that hardly seems relevant.

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