Nov 10, 2009


I'll be honest, I have no idea what today's post is going to be about, but I'm sure we'll figure it out as we go along.  Oh, here's something, I just found out I'm going to have to do some work today.  I don't have anything against the idea in principle, I get paid, I should do something to earn it (assuming my charming presence isn't reward enough).  I just don't appreciate when work sneaks up on me. Sloth requires preparation and planning as much as productivity does, perhaps more so.  It requires foresight and natural talent to clear one's schedule, while at the same time not actually working hard.  It was with that understanding that I came into work today, confident in my ability to spend the day doing little more than looking busy.   It was not to be readers.  A simple extended breakfast while perusing the interwebs, a momentary exposure of my true intentions for the day and I find myself saddled with work.

I can't help but wonder if we could somehow transfer the ability my bosses have to capitalize on my those brief glimpses behind my facade of industriousness, those insights into my subconscious to our intelligence gathering community.  I'm sure you've read by now that the Fort Hood murderer had been in contact with a radical muslim cleric with ties to Al-Qaeda.  This is a humorous blog so I'm not going to get into too much depth, but apparently the FBI was aware of this contact and dismissed it because they thought it was for research purposes.  Far be it from me to tell the FBI how to do it's job but, "I'm doing research" is pretty much the equivalent of "there was a sick passenger on my train."  Seriously, Lindsay Lohan took a role as a drug addict stripper (with an amazing rack) just to cover up for all the times she said I'm not actually a drug addicted, attention seeking, Gift from god wasting slut, I'm doing research.  I'm not one to judge (I am, I'm just humble) but if the FBI can't outsmart Lindsey Lohan my hopes for this country have taken a bit of a hit.  On the bright side, at least my I can continue my Nigerian Prince business plan.

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