Jan 4, 2008


Good (enter part of day at time you're reading this) readers,

I've been back at this blogging for a while now and it's occurred to me that I have yet to give what it is you really want. So, since I can't give you each Keira Knightley, she is mine after all, it would be rude to share, I'll provide you with the return of a classic instead.

Top 5 Things That Bother Me Today

#5 - T9 - Generally speaking, I find 'smart' phones silly and annoying. However, when it comes to text messaging, my phone's lack a a Qwerty keyboard leaves me reliant on T9, a program which purpotedly deduces what word it is I meant when I hit the numbers on my keypad. My problem is that T9 is is, to put it delicately F***ing stupid. The idea, as far as I can gather is for it to make work combinations from the numbers and put the most popular word choice on the screen. I don't know if my phone is from Texas or not but somehow, to it, 227 seems more likely to be 'BBQ' than 'car' 273 more likely to be 'apd,' which isnt even a WORD, than 'are.' 63 is apparently 'of' when clearly my phone should know it is the most important word I know 'me.' So I have a message for my phone, "3825 yourself" and no, I don't mean "duck."

#4 - The Restaurant at the Holocaust Museum in downtown Manhattan - OK I get it, people come to the museum,they spend the day there contemplating how awful man can be, and despite the horrors they are exposed to they can't help being hungry, so you serve food, fine, I can understand that, my question is how do you do takeout and delivery!? How do you even answer the phone? "Holocaust museum, can I take your order?"

#3 - Power Cords - How is it that we don't have a universal power cord yet? I think I have about thirty-five power cords and adapters stashed throughout my home. I don't know what they power or adapt, but I'm afraid to throw them out nonetheless, on the off chance I'll discover what it is they go with. This, despite the fact I probably have more plugs than outlets by now. It's sad how much power they have over me, mocking me with their uselessness, their laziness, their ability to sit there unmolested, safe in the knowledge that I will never be able to rid myself of them. Thinking about it, they have my dream job. By the way if anyone does invent a universal power cord, you owe me half!

#2 - Synchronized commercials - For those of you amateur TV watchers out there, pay attention, you'll learn something. You know how when you're watching TV you have to have an alternate channel? You have the show you're watching and when it goes to commercial you have your alternate to keep you entertained. It's a beautiful system, I've been using it for years. I've even worn the writing of the 'last channel' button on my remote. Everything was going along swimmingly, then some 3825-head at the network decides that his show loses too many viewers during commercials and he decides to synchronize his show, with the show your watching, and so the rest follow like evangelicals to Mike Huckabee, until you get to a point where, when your show goes to commercial, so does every other station.

#1 - Multiple spellings - Insure, ensure; Enquire, inquire; Theatre, theater - What the 3825? How did this happen? Did someone just say, "ah what the hell 'I' and 'E' are both vowels let em use whichever one they want. " Or, "they have all the right letters, is order really that important?" Yes! Yes it is, and don't even get me started on the difference between emigrant and immigrant!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    As an addendum to your power cord tirade... Let me request that if the powers that be insist on giving us 20 different power cords, can't they at least put a sticker on the adapter/power cord that says what the damn cord is for?!! Whenever you need to actually power something you need to first try 7 different plugs until you get the right one.

    The only thing each cord says is made in China, patent protected, approved by the FCC, etc. Not one word regarding what the plug is actually for!
