Oct 8, 2009


Before I begin I'd like to make a confession... I'm a PC. I know, I know, I'm ashamed to be honest. I don't own a smart phone, my iPod has like 47 songs on it, I'm still somewhat threatened by the roomba (they're practically sentient!) and I have T-Mobile phone service. Brief aside: Who here, aside from the good people at Verizon, thinks that a good way to promote cell phone service is to give people the impression that evey move they make is being followed by a mob of strangers in hardhats and oddly annoying glasses? Still, I like to think of myself as an Apple/Mac kind of guy. I like the commercials, I think old people are boring and I'm all for making technology user friendly, though I'm still not sure about the whole trusting robots thing, once they gain power they'll turn on us for control of the oil, they've seen The Wizard of Oz, they know what happens to the Tin Man. The point is, I feel as if I'm a part of the Mac revolution, which makes what happened yesterday all the more disturbing.

I was watching TV last night and a commercial for what I thought was the iPhone came on. It had a close up of a pretty phone with a touch screen, music playing and celebrities holding the phone, all the usual iPhone stuff and I have to say was kinda feeling it. I may have even been bopping my head (Now because I think we've been a bit schlong heavy here the last few posts and we're better than that, I'm going to eschew making jokes about head bopping... for today). After a few seconds though -I only give commercials about 18% of my attention - I realized something was wrong; the celebrities weren't young and hip, they were Chevy Chase, that girl who used to smell her armpits on SNL and Dana Carvey (DANA CARVEY!?). The music was also a bit off because it wasn't some new indie singer I've never heard of who's popular in the West Village, it was Bob Dylan (Bob Dylan is old and just released a Christmas album, cool indie singers do not release Christmas albums). Long story short it was a commercial for T-Mobile's new phone the 'My Touch' (No! no schlong jokes today people. We have standards!). The point is I found this commercial and my reaction to it, quite depressing. There are essentially two options here; one, I have no mind of my own and will, Pavlov style, find anything cool if it follows the template of an iPhone commercial; or two, and this one is scarier, Apple doesn't want me. They think people like me pretending to be Apple people are ruining their image and want to pawn me off on T-mobile! Well, I'm not falling for the Apple! I'm going to get an iPhone! (as soon as the price comes down and they switch the service from AT&T, and you know, the price comes down.) So there!

Oh and in case you still trust the roomba, read this: Roomba-Maker Unveils Kill-Bot!


  1. It would seem my blog is a PC as well.

  2. Anonymous4:14 PM

    the like button . ha!!!!

  3. You are not young and hip anymore, my friend, and that it why the commercial appeals to you.
