Oct 13, 2009


We're going to continue yesterday's calendar meme a bit today with a question.  Does anyone know what month it is?  No, October will not be an acceptable answer.  No, it's not Black History month, nice try though.  It's Hispanic Heritage Month!  Now, unlike some of you I happen to have an Hispanic friend so I'm what you'd call, in touch with the whole Hispanic culture thing, but I'll admit, even I was a bit surprised to find out there was a month.  Still, I figured it was a recent development, a product of the new millennium or perhaps even an Obama addition, so I didn't feel that badly.  Then I did some research.  Yes folks, be prepared to feel insensitive.  Hispanic Heritage Month was instituted in 1988! 1988! That's insane!  Hispanic Heritage Month is older than the 'Yo Quiero Taco Bell' dog! (I apologize for the profusion of exclamation point but the new blogger format has taken away my ability to bold and italicize which leaves me with nothing but exclamation points and caps, BAH!)
Fortunately, further research obviated my guilt, short lived as it was.  You see, Hispanic Heritage month isn't really a month.  Sure it's 30 consecutive days, but it isn't the 30 days of October (October has thirty days right? Is it a knuckle or a valley? 30 days have September... For God's sake all the months in that stupid song end in 'ber' how am I supposed to keep track!?). Hispanic Heritage month is 30 days from September 15 - October 15!  That's just stupid.  I can barely keep track of which months have 31 days and you want me to remember a month that starts in the middle of nowhere!? (I really miss bold and italicize :() Sure Black people got stuck with February, a month with 28 days and an extra 'R' that no one remembers to pronounce (feb-ROO-airy not feb-U-airy), but at least it's a real month, it's got its own page on the calendar!  How can I respect a month if it doesn't have a picture of a cute bunny over the top of it?  Hispanic Heritage month is almost over, but I'm sorry I don't feel guilty for missing it.  It missed me!  It ignored my obvious limitations and made demands of me that it knew I couldn't live up to.  So yes, our time was short, but it is you HHM that will be taking the walk of shame, not I!
Oh, you've also probably noticed some changes to the blog format, let me know if you like the new, less emo, version of my misanthropy. Also you can now do all the new hip kid stuff like search and subscribe.  It's pretty awesome.


  1. Umm, so yeah, it would seem some people didn't quite get the tongue in cheek nature of the post. So you know, sorry. Also, really!?

  2. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I can not believe you capitulated to that small minded commentator. It’s obvious that you are not a hater and were simply being humorous. After all, you did mention that you have Hispanic friends.
